I'm still with computer problems but I couldn't wait to announce you that i have a new blog on Sintra, my town.
I'm able to post there because I'm still posting pictures from the archives, aka Flickr.
So, I'm doing it from one of my girls computers.
I joined City Daily Photo and it's a pleasure to see other people's towns.
My blog list there has a lot of british blogs. The reason is I found City Daily Blog one day I was looking for pictures of England because I was home sick. Now I have a lot of blogs bookmarked.
If someone likes the idea and decides to make a photo blog of her town, pleeease, make me know.
Mine it's called Sintra, Glorious Eden and it was Lord Byron that called it like that.
I think the blog it's rather nice and i'm veryy happy with it, the problem is it's not very known.
Go there and see for yourselves.