It's not that I want to live in the past, it's just that I feel that the revolution of the 60' robeded us from so many good things.
The tendencies were not nice, in the mental field and in aestethics.
Look at the clothes, for instance. Remember how people had nice clothes till the middle of the sixties.
Remember the 30's, the 40's.
And the 50's. And the begining of the 60's.
From there things went down.
I know we had some things nice in the end of the 80' and on the 90', some very nice, but in the whole, we lost so much.
The mentality. From being a good thing for women to stay at home, people, most of them, began thinking that it would be best towork outside.
I'm not saying that is wrong to do it, I always did, it's just that I don't think that staying at home women are less interesting than the ones who work, most time is quite the opposite.
The morals. With the passing decades things got lost, even if there is still a remnant who follow God sent rules.
I long for a return to the good times and I do believe that it will happen.
Partying at
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