
Saturday, March 1, 2008

To the ceiling

Where should I put all the books?

I just leave you with a corner of my home: books to the ceiling.
I don't know where to put more but my husband always finds a corner where he can put more shelves.
Like this one.

1 comment:

Irene said...

How clever of your husband. We have the same little "problem" at home. I have been thinking of selling some , but Amazon neds a UK address, and e-bay is no good for books. I might as well organize a giveaway from my blog.

Now, if you stop by my place, I have posted on the Royal family of Portugal.If you haven't come across this article see if you can print it from my post, otherwise, if you want me to send it to you, please e-mail me.

Blessings to your family.